Digital Marketing for Introverts: A Guide to SEO, Blogging and Pinterest

woman working at desk writing a blog post

If you have a business then you know digital marketing is essentially to growing your brand and revenue! But when we look around (online) it’s hard not to compare ourselves with the digital creators who are constantly showing up. I have had many nights where I’ve felt defeated or unsure where I fit in with online marketing. I’m not the type of person who has the energy (or desire) to show up every single day on my IG stories. I have no want to consistently share my life on social media. I have days where I just want to live a simple life where I grab a coffee and sit by the water and read for hours. Without having to think twice about whether I have posted that day or not.

If you are an introvert you will know exactly what I am talking about! The problem is that even as introverts we still need to market our businesses. And we still need to show up consistently to promote our products. So if it feels unnatural for us to constantly share our lives and get on camera, how are we supposed to market our businesses?

The truth is, we don’t have to pretend to be extroverts with energy and show up the way they do.

There is a way for us to preserve our energy and consistently market our businesses online. And yes, we can do this while staying cozy on our couch in the comfort of our own homes.

The answer to this my friend, is having an SEO optimized website and content marketing with a blog. Add in a Pinterest strategy and you are golden! The best part of this marketing strategy? You can create your content in advance on a day you have the energy. From there just schedule in your publish dates and you are ready to go!

Understanding digital Marketing for introverts

We are going to get into the details of what marketing for us introverts actually looks like. But before that I did want to mention that we have our own strengths that we can truly leverage. We do not have to feel left behind if we aren’t posting on our stories everyday. Let’s leverage our strengths of detailed work, thoughtful planning and creating content that truly resonates with our ideal clients. Imagine the community we can build by being true to who we are and showing up in a way that feels aligned to ourselves.

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Now let’s get into how we can actually show up consistently and preserve our energy!

SEO-optimized website

An SEO optimized website means that you have implemented strategies on your site that are going to help it rank higher in search results. It means that Google (and other search engines) know that your website exists and what content you have on it. Imagine the opposite, if Google didn’t know your website existed there’s no way anyone could find it! Seems like a no-brainer but not everyone thinks of this digital marketing strategy. And for an introvert this can be an extremely appealing way to marketing your business online.

Why is this such a good way to market your business online as an introvert?

  1. You are leveraging the power of Google to promote your business
  2. SEO builds and gets stronger over time
  3. It’s based on research, strategy and is implemented behind the scenes on your website. Meaning you can do this without having to speak a peep on socials!

How do you SEO optimize your website?

Keyword Research

Not to put too much pressure on you but this is a key step in optimizing your website! The reason this is important is because it tells you what people are actually searching for. You can guess all you want or assume what people are searching. But I promise you, you will be quite shocked when you actually do the research.

Keyword research not only shows you what people are actually searching for but how they are searching. What terms they are literally typing into Google to find your services. And when you add those keywords to the content on your website you are:

  1. Telling Google what the content on your page is about
  2. Answering your ideal clients queries
  3. Getting infront of your ideal clients when they search for said queries

In terms of how do you actually do keyword research I have a blog post I created to show you how! Head over to 4 Ways To Do SEO Keyword Research to learn more!

Now I do want to mention, I tell you how to do your own keyword research in that post. However, there is so much more to keyword research than just that. When you hire an SEO strategist to do it for you we go really into depth here. We determine what people are searching for, related topics, where the opportunities are for you specifically to rank in SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

Further more, an SEO strategist will also do competitor reserach to see what your competitors are ranking for. What their strategy is and if there’s anything we can use that will support yours!

On-Page SEO

Once you have your keyword research complete and you know where your opportunities lie, it’s time to add them to your web page. You will also apply a few more settings to optimize your page. I have added a list below of places you can optimize each page on Showit.

On-page SEO on Showit

  1. Page Title
  2. Meta Description
  3. Image Alt-Text
  4. HTML tags
  5. Headers
  6. Page URLs
  7. Content

I have a post that goes into much more detail on how to do each of these steps. You can read the post here: How to Optimize your Website SEO in 2024

Like I mentioned earlier, there’s so much deeper we can go with this topic. If you need support in optimizing your website book a free consultation!

With an SEO optimized website you don’t have to worry about consisntely showing up as an introvert. Once you have implemented these strategies you just have to tweak them here and there. And again, it’s all behind the scenes on your own time! Once Google starts to recognize your website and understand what your content is about and who it’s for, it just grows stronger. Over time your website will build more authority and trust with your visitors but also with Google. Which means it will trust your website and it will start to rank higher over time.

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Blogging: An introvert’s best friend in digital marketing

Blogging is like the peanut butter to your jelly! It goes hand in hand with an SEO optimized website. Now, you don’t have to blog for your website to bring in leads but it really does help! Think about it this way, the more pages you have on your website the more opportunity there is for pages to rank on SERP. By adding more blog posts you are providing more value to your ideal clients. And you’re also giving Google more pages to serve when said clients search for topics related to your business!

Content marketing with a blog is honestly an excellent digital marketing tool for introverts! It’s a space where you can share your opinons, your way of doing things, your insights and knowledge. You can truly connect with your ideal clients through your blog and build a thriving community! And if you’re ready to dream big, it’s great for long term success if your goal is to scale your business someday!

Here’s how you can make the most out of blogging as an introvert

If you are reading this post I am going to assume you have a business you are marketing with your blog. So we already know what your topic is going to be. But what we can do is come up with 3-4 different categories you can write about within the topic of your business.

These categories will do 2 things:

  1. Help you with coming up with topics to write about
  2. Make it easier for your website visitors to find related posts

For example, if you are a fitness trainer you can have topics like:

  1. Meal prep
  2. Gym workouts
  3. At home work outs
  4. Pilates work outs

This helps you plan out your content because you can break up the topics you’re talking about. If you are posting one blog per week you would only have to write about each of these topics once a month. Which feels a lot more do-able than writing about one specific topic every single week!

Not only that, if a visitor is really interested in learning about meal prep from you. You can have a specific category page on your blog that shows all related blog posts to that topics. Making the user experience a lot easier to navigate and user friendly.

Writing from your couch without having to interact in-person

This is the best part right here, you can set aside one day a month (or two) and write those 4 blog posts! Once they are written you can either schedule them to publish automatically or manually publish when it’s time to.

And think about it, how nice would it be to spend the day cuddled up on your couch. Or go into your local coffee shop and just sit down and write. Once you have your posts written and scheduled to publish consistently, you’re done! You don’t have to show up every day in any way!

Blogging and SEO together

We have now talked about both of these topics. I just want to bring them together because it’s super important to think of them as a pair. There’s no point in writing blog posts that are not being searched for. You really want to provide valuable and relevant content in your blog posts. And the only way you will know if it’s either of those things is by doing the keyword research. Really determining what your ideal clients are searching for and then writing content related to that using those keywords!

Remember, quality content is way more important that the quantity of posts. It’s better to spend more time writing a blog post that answers the search query than just pumping out posts.

Having a blog strategy is essential! A blog strategy should include:

  1. Keyword research
  2. Strategically choose topics
  3. Target keyword in title
  4. Include headings with related keywords
  5. Title tag
  6. Meta description
  7. Optimized URL

I do create blog strategies for clients, if you are interested you can book a free consult to chat!

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Tying it all together with Pinterest

The reason I am adding Pinterest to this post is because it’s another way to add content without physically showing up. And it also helps drive traffic to your website and blog. So it’s a win win!

I am not a pro at Pinterest but I do use it in my own business in a very simple way. I create a minimum of 10 pin graphics for each blog post. And I have 10 boards on my Pinterest account. So basically, I am creating a pin graphic to post on each board once for every blog post. The reason I find this to be a no brainer is because I have already created the content with my blog post. The heavy lifting is done!

And you don’t have to spend too much time creating your pins. You can literally re-use designs and just replace the images and text. I have been using the same designs for the past year. I will add some new ones here and there but mostly because I just get bored of them.

What you’re doing by adding these graphics to Pinterest is just sharing your blog on another platform. You’re able to drive more traffic to each blog post when you do this. The more eyes you can get on your blog post equals more leads for your business.

Why is Pinterest great for introverts?

For the same reason blogging is great for us! You can create them comfortably without interaction. The icing on top? Pinterest is similar to Google in that it’s a search engine. It’s not a social media platform. You are going to use similar strategies on Pinterest as you do on your website and blog. Pinterest serves content based on keywords.

Since you have already done the work and researched your keywords, might as well add them to Pinterest as well!

Like I said, I’m not a pro at Pinterest although I do believe it goes hand in hand with blogging. Which is why I wanted to mention it here for ya’ll. But also, because it truly is a great way to market as an introvert because it’s all behind the scenes.

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