In order to live your best life as an introvert running an online business we have to do things a little differently!
Running a business is a lot of hard work especially as a solo-preneur! We are working one on one with our clients, marketing our business, sending contracts and invoices, troubleshooting, setting up systems and everything else that comes up. I’m sure I don’t need to convince you of how much work it really is. But what I do want to do is reassure you that business can feel lighter!
We always hear the quote “love what you do and you won’t work a day in your life”. Well, I say “Love how you do what you do and your day to day work will feel easier”. Because let’s be real, even if you absolutely love providing your services and working with your clients, at the end of the day it’s still work. You’re still having to do it on days that feel good and days that feel hard. So what I want for you is to find a way that feels easy so that you can manage and enjoy your day to day.
And when you throw being an introvert into the mix; it really does change how you do things. Because life is different as an introvert. We get emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted if we don’t manage our time and tasks. We get burnt out and that’s not fun for anyone! You want energy to sustainably run your business but also so you can enjoy life. You want to have time and energy left over to do the things you love. The things that are not related to work!

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Here are 7 ways to start living your best life as an introvert solo-preneur
Market you business in a way that aligns with who you are
It’s so easy to get distracted by the marketing strategies we see on social media. We see business owners we admire showing us their daily lives, building their personal brands and making lots of money doing it! And I totally love that for them! But as a fellow introvert, I found myself trying to keep up with these extroverted entrepreneurs. And I just kept getting more and more burnt out. I would have a month or two where I felt super inspired and I would constantly post on Instagram. And then I would burn the eff out! I wouldn’t want to post a single thing and I would want to curl up on my couch and binge Netflix because I overdid it! Now If I wanted social media to be my main marketing strategy then as an introvert I would have to figure out a way to balance all of that out!
This would be by batching content by setting time aside where I create content for the upcoming week or weeks. And then it’s ready to go, all I have to do is post it or schedule posts so they’re automated. And that’s what I would recommend you do if you’re an introvert wanting to use social media as your main marketing strategy.
The way I choose to market my business online is through blogging.
I find having a blog is the most introvert friendly way to market your online business. As an introvert, we thrive when we have the time to create. When we can do it in a space that feels comfortable in a way that feels comfortable!
I personally love living a super cozy life and I want my business to feel the same way. So I get cuddled up on my couch with my pink blanket, a hot cup of coffee and I sit down to write.
We can provide so much value to our clients through a blog. Blogging is long form content meaning each post goes into depth about a specific topic. We can share so much knowledge on one specific topic for each blog post. Imagine how helpful this can be for your clients! And by helping them, and giving them the answers they are searching for, you are building a community! Your readers (ideal clients) will trust you and see you as an authority.
That’s right, you can build your community and your online presence while sitting in your pajamas on your couch! If that’s not an introverts dream come true I really don’t know what is!
Creating a content calendar will be your best friend
We never really know when our energy levels are going to run low. And because of this I find creating a content calendar really helps you stay consistent with your marketing strategy.
Not only does it help you stay consistent, you can also be more strategic with your posts. I like to create my content calendars 90 days at a time. You can think about this quarterly or however you want to break it up. Make them for 6 months at a time if you’d like! I usually wouldn’t recommend a year because things can change and you might want to reflect and adapt!
Creating a content calendar
When you are creating a content calendar you want to determine whether there are any Holidays or promos you want to focus on. Then you can add these into your calendar so you will know you need to gear up your marketing for a specific promotion heading up to it. It helps keep you organized and on top of your messaging and what kind of content you need to create when.
Over top of that, it really helps when you actually sit down to write your blog post for the week. Trust me, it’s not easy to sit down every week and come up with a new topic. Not only is it not easy, it’s not very strategic. You want your blog to target your ideal clients search queries so we do want to focus on keyword research and SEO when creating your content calendar. You take this data and come up with blog post ideas and add them to your content calendar.
Creating categories for your content
I also like to filter through different categories for my blog. It makes it a lot easier to write when you’re switching through topics. Writing about one single thing once or twice a week can get very redundant! And when you have categories you can bring people into your world through different types of blogs.
For example, I have 4 categories for my blog which are:
- Personal
- Introvert Lifestyle
- Business
- Showit
Each of these have different ideas I can write about. I write twice a week but to keep things simple in this example let’s pretend I wrote once a week. With these categories I could write a post about each specific topic once a month. That feels a lot less overwhelming than sitting down and writing about Showit every single week!
So all you have to do is rotate through these categories and write down your blog topics for the days you want to publish them on your content calendar.
And to make things even easier, I am going to give you my exact Content Calendar I use on ClickUp for FREE! And no, you don’t even need to pay for a ClickUp account to use it! (ClickUp is a project management system that helps you stay organized with your schedule and tasks). Don’t worry, I will teach you exactly how to use it so it’s really easy.
PS. you will also get my Blog Checklist that I use to ensure each post is SEO optimized!
Repurpose your content to maximize your reach
Now that you know I’m a big fan of blogging, I’m going to continue with that strategy to share how you can repurpose your content!
This is another reason I love long form content! You can take little snippets from your blog post and turn it into Instagram posts, carousels and reels. You can use AI for this or simply just read through your post and copy and paste certain sentences that stick out onto a Google Doc. That’s how I do it, nice and simple!
If you share a list or steps in your blog post you can turn those into a reel. You can get creative with this! The idea is that you are not rewriting and recreating content all the time. You have already written your post and now you are just taking bits and pieces from it and creating even more content to spread across other platforms. You can also use these for TikTok or Facebook!
Another Introvert friendly thing I like to do is repurpose my blog to Pinterest Pins. And I create them the same way; as in on my couch with my heat pad. I do not need to film myself creating them or do it the day of. I can sit down, get comfy and create 10-12 Pins for each blog post. That’s 10-12 Pins that are linked directly to that specific blog post driving traffic to it.
Network with like-minded people (I know I’m asking you to get out of your comfort zone, but when it’s someone you enjoy talking to; it’s not so bad!)
Don’t let this one scare you, hear me out for a minute!
It can get really lonely as an Entrepreneur even for the most extroverted ones. So I know it can get really lonely as an introverted Entrepreneur. It’s nice to connect with like-minded women who have similar goals. I have made some really great friends through Instagram and I love hopping on virtual coffee chats with them. And the best part, you don’t have to leave the house!
You can support each other, have an accountability buddy or just have someone you can vent to. Trust me it’s really helpful and makes running an online business even more enjoyable!
Keep your energy levels in mind when creating your packages and booking clients
Remember, this is your business that you created! You can run it however you want to! Run it in a way that’s in alignment with your lifestyle; in a way that feels good to you.
You know a trend that I’m really loving these days? Living a slow life. As an introvert, it’s not really a trend, it’s just who we are. But it’s nice not to see hustle culture trying to persuade us to be someone we just aren’t.
So embrace your slow life. Live it how you want to and build your packages and book your clients according to your energy schedule! Don’t over do it if you don’t have to. Set time aside to create your content. And if you have to add a week to each client project so you can stay consistent with marketing at the same time, then add a week to your project! Who’s going to stop you?
We really struggle when we have too much on our plate; it creates overwhelm which leads to burn out. So be proactive, schedule in all of your solo-preneur tasks as well as your tasks for your client projects. I found I used to just schedule my client projects and then work ON my business when I had extra time. But guess what, that extra time never came. So I would work overtime to squeeze it all in and then I would, you guessed it, burn out! So my advice? Be proactive not reactive when it comes to scheduling. Scheduling is also our best friend!
Work with your ideal clients
I know this might not seem possible if you’re just starting out. But hopefully over time you can start to be a little more particular with the clients you say yes to. Remember, it’s not just that your client needs to pick you, you also need to pick your client!
When we work with people who are so out of alignment with our values and personalities it can really take a lot of energy to work with them. It can honestly be so depleting! And if we are losing energy from working with people who just aren’t our people we are left with even less energy to work on all of the other tasks.
So take this one as a grain of salt (with a grain of salt?) because it’s more of a nice to have tip. It might take time to get here but it really does fill up your cup when you work with people who are in alignment with who you are!
Which nicely leads us to the last tip…
Fill up your cup!
Your business should fuel your life and your life should fuel your business. Just as much as we have to schedule tasks for work you should also schedule down time. Schedule time to rest or do the things you love. Read, play, binge Netflix, play boardgames. Whatever it is that fills up your cup. Because it’s so important to enjoy and love life! And it’s just as important to recharge our batteries so we have energy to run our businesses. Sometimes we feel like resting is a waste of time, I still have to remind myself not to feel guilty! But the truth is, rest and play is productive. It’s helping you show up as the best version of you for your business.
Be sure to download the FREE Content Calendar for Blogging on ClickUp to get organized and stay consistent with your introvert friendly marketing!

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