One Month SEO Results for Forever Photobooth Website

Website SEO one month results on Google Serach Console in laptop mockup on desk

I am so excited to share the website SEO results we achieved for my client Forever Photobooth Studio.

I did create a case study page for their website when we first launched. If you want to read about how we designed their website you can read that here: Photobooth Rental Website Case Study

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A brief overview of our work together

I started working with Sam from Forever Photobooth Studio 5 months ago. She initially signed on for a website refresh. She did want to refresh her branding. Which she did on her own and shared her color palette, font scheme and logo with me to implement.

She had a website for I believe 2 years already so the domain wasn’t new. Her previous website was built and hosted on Squarespace. She wasn’t happy with the design layout and user experience. I designed a whole new website for her on Showit. We relaunched and it is absolutely beautiful!

Screenshot of homepage optimized for website SEO

We are both so happy with the design and functionality. It’s now easy for her website visitors to find exactly what they are looking for and easily book their photobooth!

After launching her website she decided she wanted to also invest in SEO + a blogging strategy. She has invested in Google Ads over the years. Which is a great way to get eyes on your website however it can be quite costly over time. We discussed that SEO and blogging is a long term marketing strategy. This was supported with some competitor analysis. We could see that her top competitor had launched their website 7 years ago and after a few years started growing with organic traffic. Of course, it shouldn’t take years to gain organic traffic but it does depend when a website started investing in SEO. From that point, it can take anywhere from 4 months to a year to start seeing major results.

The most exciting part?

We saw really impressive results in just ONE MONTH of optimizing her website SEO!

In just one month of implementing a strategic SEO strategy we saw an increase of the following

Google Search Console

You can see the exact percentage increase in the chart below. And if this is all new to you here’s a quick brief on what these measurements represent:

  • Total clicks: The number of times a user actually clicks through to your website link from SERP (Search Enging Results Page). You know when you Google something and you see a list of results? This is the SERP. Different websites and blog posts will show up in those results to help answer your search query.
  • Total Impressions: The number of times your web pages have showed up in SERP.
  • Avg. CTR: Average Click Through Rate. This is the average rate that people are actually clicking through to your website from SERP.
  • Avg. Position: The average position you are in search results. For example, being number one in search results means you’re the first result people will see. But ranking number 50 means you may be on the 6th page of Google search results.

The most important metric we want to look at on Google Search Console

The Total Clicks and Total Impressions are the most important data here. You will always see your Impressions increase before you see your Total Clicks increase. This is because it does take time for Google to start trusting your website. And it wants to make sure when people land on your website they’re actually getting the answers they’re looking for.

Your web pages might start off on page 10 and slowly over time as your website builds trust with Google they will start to move closer to page 1. Patience is key, it does take time. Because of that reason, your impressions increase first and as you get closer to page 1 your total clicks will increase too!

Google Search console results after website SEO optimization

The results you see here are comparing the last 28 days to the previous 28 day period. This shows the results for the exact same website before implementing SEO and after implementing SEO. We did not make any changes to the website design. All we did was create a strategic SEO strategy for her business and made the necessary changes on her website to optimize it. If you look at the website before and after you probably wouldn’t notice a difference because we didn’t make design changes. A lot of the SEO updates happen behind the scenes on the website. But the thing you would notice would be updates to the Title and Headings on each page. We want to ensure we are adding in keywords strategically on your web page copy.

Here’s a cool visual of the increase in her results on Google Search Console. This came from just implementing website SEO

This graph is showing her results from the last 16 months. I really wanted to zoom out so you can see how much of a difference SEO really makes. You can see right around July, when we started implementing SEO on her website there’s a direct increase in both impressions and total clicks. Pretty cool if you ask me!

Graph from Google Search Console of website SEO results

And here’s another graph from SERanking

SERanking is an SEO tool that I use to assist with keyword research and website SEO strategy. This graph shows you the amount of keywords a website is ranking for. You can see a direct correlation in the number of keywords they are now ranking for since we implementing SEO in July.

You can even see the dollar amount it would have cost if they chose to pay for Google Ads to rank for these keywords. This is why organic search is so powerful! Overtime, it’s actually going to save you money. Just imagine how much these numbers will grow throughout the year! The goal is to bring in organic traffic so you don’t have to pay hundreds or thousands on Google Ads over time.

Blogging strategy

I had mentioned in the beginning of this post that we did work together for website SEO and blogging strategy. We started implementing her blog strategy in mid-August and are posting bi-weekly. Her blog will help grow her organic traffic overtime, but we are not seeing those results yet.

When you stay consistent with blogging you are keeping your website active. You’re adding fresh new pages for Google to serve in their results page. Blogging and optimizing your website SEO go hand in hand! And I highly recommend implementing a blogging strategy if you want to continue growing your organic traffic!

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