Must Have Website Content

Woman working at her desk

If you have never built a website and are just starting one for the first time, you might be wondering what website content you need to add.

If you are a service provider this is for you! I am going to walk you through which pages to add and what content should be on each page!

The pages we are going to talk about are:

  1. Home
  2. About
  3. Services
  4. Products
  5. Portfolio
  6. FAQ
  7. Contact

Home Page

Your homepage is basically an introduction to your business and to the rest of your website. You want to make sure that when someone lands on your homepage it clearly states:

  1. What you offer
  2. Who this service/product is for (your ideal client)
  3. How it will serve them

You have about 7 seconds to hook your website visitor so make sure you hit these key points right away. If this person needs what you sell they will keep on scrolling. And this is very important because if you have people coming to your website but they aren’t sticking around – it will not be good for your SEO.

About Page

Your website content is a great way to allow your visitors to get to know you. People want to know who you are and how your business came to be.

This is especially important for solo-preneur service providers. My guess is your client is going to book with you not only because of your work but because they connect with you!

This page is where you can really get personal with your website visitor. Tell them about yourself and how you got to where you are. How you came up with the idea for your business and what it took to get there. Share your history and build a connection with your potential client!

This page is important website content but whether or not it should be on the Top Navigation really depends.

If it’s super important for your clients to connect with you on a personal level, then having the about page link in the Top Navigation would be beneficial for you. But if you don’t need it up there then I’d recommend leaving it down in the footer.

You want your Top Navigation to have the least amount of links as possible to make the next page visit really easy. Think about what you want your visitors to do, your main CTA’s and have links that guide visitors to do that in the Top Navigation!

Services Page

Here you share with your site visitor exactly what you do – the details of your services.

Outline your packages and exactly what is included. Make sure your price your services. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but the way I see it, if you clearly price your services then the people who are willing to invest will contact you.

On the other hand, I can’t count the amount of times I have not gone with a service provider because they asked me to “inquire about pricing” – I couldn’t be bothered…

The website content on your sales page should describe to your client how working with you is going to change their world! I know that seems extreme but you don’t want to sell a service, you want to sell an experience (emotion sells!).

And I don’t mean just write some fluff on there. Really think about how you can help serve your clients and outline that on your sales page. Throw in some testimonials that they can relate to so they can see how you’ve helped other people just like them!

Products Page

If you are selling products, physical or digital you want to have a clear page where your visitors can learn about them.

Even if you are not selling products on your website you should still provide all of the information your clients need about the products you use.

And if you do sell products on your website then make sure you link it on the Top Navigation!

Portfolio or Praise Page

Time to humblebrag!

If you are a service provider showcase your work loud and proud! Have images of work you have done and testimonials to support the incredible work you do.

If you provide coaching services then you can have a Praise page where you share testimonials. Or case studies sharing the results you’ve helped your clients achieve.

Use your portfolio website content to attract your ideal clients! If you have provided services to let’s say 10 clients. If 5 of those clients have been your ideal clients then showcase those 5 clients.

For example, if you want to work with people in the Beauty Industry – display work you’ve done with clients in the Beauty Industry. If you did a service for your cousin’s husband’s aunt’s brother-in-law (Indian family over here) whose business had nothing to do with the ideal clients you want to work with, don’t put images of that work on your website.

You want to attract the right people by showcasing similar businesses so they can relate. It’s okay if you’ve done 30 services for entrepreneurs in a mixture of different industries. Showcase maybe the 6 you did for the people you really want to work with – that will be more strategic and aligned with your own business goals!

FAQ Page

A frequently asked questions page is the best way to quash your clients worries. Ask and answer the questions that your website visitors might be thinking. This is where they’re going to come to get all the answers they are looking for!

The best way to come up with questions to ask is to do some research within your industry. What questions do they have on your competitors pages? Do not copy and paste! But take inspiration and reword to match your own brand voice.

You can also ask your community directly wherever you connect with them! For example, If you connect with them on IG do a stories “ask me anything” and use those questions on your FAQ page.

Contact Page

Simple – this doesn’t need a whole lot of information. Direct and to the point, allow your visitors to be able to contact you through email, phone, on-location (insert map).

This is a straight forward and easy way to share your contact info with your clients!

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