Benefits Of A Website For Your Business

There are many benefits of a website to your business!

With everything moving to digital, from e-comm to booking services online, if you don’t have a website for your business – you might just be passing on potential clients. Websites are the digital front door of your business, and I would argue that there couldn’t be a better time for you to shine online!

If you aren’t searchable on google then you might just be missing out on being discovered by your clients.

The days of in-person, word of mouth marketing are not dead by any means. I believe it’s still one of the best ways to build client loyalty and easily book ideal clients once you get the ball rolling. But just ask yourself, what’s the first thing you do when a friend mentions a business they absolutely loved? You Google it! Always, always always!

Of course, social media platforms are now amazing search engines and to be honest – sometimes I search the business on IG first. The problem however is that if you want to be promoting yourself online, which you really want to be doing, social media is an uphill battle. Social media is a great place to build a portfolio to showcase your work but we all know that with the ever changing algorithm we are so NOT in control of who actually sees our work. And also, even if you get someone to land on your Instagram page, if they want more information they’re going to scroll right back up to that link in bio to check out your website!

I cannot even express how important it is for you to have a website that represents your brand and business. A place that provides your customers with more information about you.

Now you might be wondering…

What are the benefits of a website?

There are so many benefits of a website but for now we will talk about the following:

  1. Save time
  2. Get discovered
  3. Sell your services or products

Save time

This is HUGE for business owners. You have SO much to do already (ahem, run your business) and the last thing you want to do is spend time on tasks you can streamline. For example, do you have a portfolio? Do clients ask to see this portfolio? They can view this directly on your website without you having to take extra time to walk them through it. Same thing when it comes to booking with you?

Your clients can easily view your calendar and book with you IMMEDIATELY! How magical?

No more back and forth email threads trying to coordinate your schedules.

Or do you have multiple clients asking you the same questions? Make a blog post about it and direct them all back to it any time they inquire – get more clicks and educate your community! Honestly, it’s a no brainer!

If that hasn’t convinced you, here are some more benefits of a website!

Get Discovered

Social media has really taken over this past decade! It’s amazing in so many ways and I can’t argue with the fact that it has grown and exploded businesses in ways that we couldn’t do before. But the thing is that we don’t own those platforms. This means we don’t control who sees our posts or control when our accounts might get deleted.

Don’t get me wrong, I love social media (also sometimes hate – that’s normal right?) but I want you to be in control of your online presence because your business deserves it! So instead of keeping your fingers crossed that the algorithm works in your favor and your posts gets seen by your followers, you can focus on SEO to become more googleable (is that a real word?).

Once you have a website, you don’t need to push ads to get people to it. You just need to create useful and meaningful content that your clients are looking for. Using blogging to increase your SEO may take some time – I recommend minimum one blog post per week consistently! But when things get rolling it will be worth the time spent.

Sell your services or products

One of my favourite benefits of a website are that you can sell anytime, anywhere!

I personally realized the power of selling online during the very first lockdown in March 2020. I was working as a Business Consultant/Professional Development Coach for L’Oreal Professionnel with salons across B.C and when the lockdown happened salon owners had two choices: Get a website and sell online or wait it out and keep their fingers crossed they can open their doors and sell ASAP. (It was a very stressful time so I totally understood when business owners did not want to show up online and needed space to focus on self care).

Of course people were already selling online pre-covid but this time really exploded the online industry and forced people to pivot even if they hadn’t been planning on it.

The growth in business for the entrepreneurs that made this shift was UNLIMITED! Seriously, I saw salon owners grow their client base from small town local clients to nationally selling their products to people across the Country. Those clients from Toronto buying from a small business in a small town in BC could have bought the same products from a salon down the street. But they connected with this particular owner because of her, you got it, online presence!

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