My Custom Showit Website Design Process

An image of a laptop, coffee and notes in a bowl on a desk.

Have you been wanting to hire a designer to build your custom Showit website for your business?

My Custom Showit Website Design process for women with online businesses! I truly believe that a website is a necessity for your biz!

Yes, you can have a social media presence but that can be taken away from you at any time. I hate to say that because I really wouldn’t want that to ever happen to anyone! But it is the truth.

When you have a website, it’s a space that you own! A space that represents your brand. When a potential client visits they feel like they are walking into your store front.

There are many different reasons I believe every business should have a website.

According to Forbes a website helps your business:

  1. Build credibility
  2. Grow brand awareness
  3. Generate leads
  4. Increase organic traffic
  5. Saves you time + customer service
  6. It’s a place to share updates and announcements
  7. Leverage digital marketing

And once you are ready to get that website designed I will be right here to build it for you!

You may be curious what it looks like to work with a designer. I am telling you all of the steps involved, what you need to do and I will do for you and the exact time line!

Here is my Custom Showit Website Design process:

First things first, the client contacts me to schedule a free consultation. 

The consultation can be booked directly through my website.

On this call we discuss what your business is, what your website goals are, I share my process with you and answer any questions you may have.

If you are ready to move forward we will select our design dates on the call.

Once design dates are confirmed I send over the invoice and contract.

The design dates are tentatively reserved for 24 hours. They are officially confirmed once the invoice is paid and the contract is signed.

Once you have completed these steps we are officially working together! It’s so exciting and I absolutely love this part of diving deeper into your business!

Every business is different and I research your specific business and provide content writing guides based on your unique business and your goals.

I take 48 hours to do a deep dive research into your niche. Within 2 business days you will receive an email from me which will include a Welcome Package and a link to a Google Drive folder.

The Welcome Package is going to walk you through every step of the design process and exactly what I need from you before our design start date.

It tells you exactly how to gather that content and where to submit it.

The Google folder is going to be where all of your website content is going to be submitted. All of the images and copy.

I have questionnaire’s in there as well for you to fill out so I can really understand your business and brand.

There will be content writing guides provided for you to fill out as well. This is where I have done that work to really personalize it to your business. I create writing prompts for you to fill out so that we can provide your clients with all the information they need to build trust and loyalty with your brand. 

Another key aspect is a Pinterest board that you will submit as a link in the Google folder.

I know it can feel slightly overwhelming which is why I schedule 2 strategy calls to ensure you feel confident every step of the way!

Our first strategy call for my custom Showit website design package will be immediately after I share the welcome package and Google folder with you.

We will review every bit of it together to make sure any questions are answered and you feel one hundred gather all the info required.

Everything from your end needs to be submitted prior to our design start date. I request that you submit this 3 days prior to our second strategy call.

The second strategy call will be on the day our design period begins.

I highly recommend booking your design dates at least a month before you actually want me to start building your website.

It does take time on your end to gather all of the content and I don’t want you to feel rushed.

Ideally you would book your consultation to secure your design dates with me 1-2 months in advance!

From there, I have a one month timeline for my custom Showit website design projects.

I am going to break down each week so you know exactly what is happening and what is required from you.

Typically at this point, you don’t have very much to do on your end. I just require you to respond to emails within 24 hours in order to provide feedback and stay on track. 

Week 1

On the first day of our design period we have our second strategy call and we review all of your content together.

I build your color scheme and font package first.

Then I use these branding assets to build out your website homepage.

By the middle of the week I will send you a mock up of the homepage for you to review. You provide your feedback and I modify as needed. Our aim is to have the homepage approved by the end of week one!

Week 2

I design the rest of your website. At the end of the week, I send you mock ups of each page for you to review exactly how we did the homepage. 

Week 3

You will provide feedback over the weekend.

So on Monday morning I can review your feedback and make any changes requested.

We go back and forth until you are fully satisfied with your design! 

I will also add your functionality and integrate any third party apps at this time.

You will have a working website during week 3!

This will be the time for you to sign up for a Showit account and for a domain. If you have an existing domain I will begin the domain transfer during this week.

Week 4

This week is to give us some wiggle room if needed! If there are any delays then we have this time to catch up! 

During week 4 we will schedule our last call!

This is our 90 minute launch and lesson call. This is when we really get to celebrate the launch of your website! Yay!

I will review you entire website with you on this call and teach you exactly how to make updates so you can feel confident using your website moving forward!

From there I provide website support for up to 1 week after the website is live.

This is not to add extra information or make design changes. This is just to ensure everything is running smoothly! 

I have had clients request ongoing work. I do want you to feel comfortable making changes on your website if needed.

However if you do not have the time or simply do not want to make changes yourself, I am always here for you! I do provide hourly services which we can chat about if needed!

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