6 Must Haves On Coming Soon Website Landing Page

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What is the purpose of a coming soon website landing page?

It’s actually a lot more handy to have a Coming Soon website landing page than you might think!

Here are a few scenarios in which you might need a Coming Soon page:

  • You are moving your website over from another platform but aren’t quite finished designing the new site. 
  • You are revamping your existing page and you know it’s going to take a few days/weeks to finish edits.
  • You haven’t even started your website build yet but you have purchased a domain

Yes, a coming soon website landing page is kind of a placeholder for your website. But it can serve a greater purpose and you can still use it to connect with clients even if you haven’t officially launched your full website.

Here are 5 elements you can include on your Coming Soon Website Landing page to connect with potential clients!

1. Eye catching image

I cannot express how important the images on your website are. They can literally make or break it!

No amount of designing, coding or customizing can recover a website that has bad images.

And by bad I mean, low quality images that are not on brand.

And if we only have one image on your Coming Soon Website landing Page then it really has to be a show stopper!

If you are your business then be sure to use an on brand image of yourself.

If you have a picture of you looking directly at the camera then that’s perfect! It really does help your visitor feel more connected to you.

If you really do not have any images from a photoshoot you can use stock images. They are high quality so that’s good!

But just make sure it’s an on brand image that represents your business and what you do!

2. Clever and catchy tagline

This can be the same tagline you are going to use on your homepage! So you won’t have to do the work of writing this twice.

You want to capture the website visitors attention as soon as they land on your Coming Soon page.

This tagline is especially important because you don’t have the rest of your website to share what you do with your clients.

They need to understand your business and how you are going to help them in these 2-3 sentences!

Answer these three questions:

  • What do you do
  • Who do you serve
  • How your service/product will solve their problem

Once you have answered these questions, write them in a clever and catchy way. This just needs to be 2-3 short sentences.

3. Contact form

You want to encourage your clients to contact you.

Like I mentioned earlier, you don’t have the rest of your website to be able to share your brand and business.

So the next best thing is being able to connect directly with your ideal clients and answer any questions they may have!

Make it super easy for them to be able to fill in the contact form and communicate with you.

Don’t have too many form fields for them to fill out – this can be discouraging and deter people from filling out the form.

Just have a simple contact form here!

Alternatively, you can add a contact form to sign up for your newsletter here as well!

4. Location (for location based businesses)

If you are a location based business then be sure to add your location right under your tag line!

Sharing your full address is super helpful for your client to find you.

This is a big reason people visit location based business websites so we want to make sure we aren’t leaving it out!

5. Link to book with you

If you offer services it’s crucial to add a link to book with you!

Even when you have a website the scheduler is typically a third party integration. So you should be able to link directly to that third party on your Coming Soon Website Landig Page!

By doing this you are removing any hesitation and encouraging your client to work with you. You do not want them to be left wondering “what’s next?”

6. Social Links

Encourage them to stay in touch with you by connecting your social media links!

If you have a business where your potential clients need to see a portfolio before booking with you – your social media platform can serve as your portfolio here.

They can also learn more about you from your socials and stay connected!

And last but not least, once they follow you on social they will see when your website is live when you post about your launch!

Watch this tutorial from Tonic Site Shop on How To Build A Coming Soon Website Landing Page.

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