Showit Pricing – Which Plan Is Best For You!

Choosing the right Showit pricing plan may seem confusing, but don’t worry – I got you!

You may be in one of two different situations

  1. You are ready to publish your Showit website but you don’t know which plan to choose
  2. You are shopping around and trying to choose which website building platform is best for you

Whichever situation you are in, this guide is going to help you determine the difference between the Showit pricing, plans offered and which one is best for you!

Before we get into the deets, let me just break down the difference between your domain purchase and your Showit subscription. 

When you purchase your domain you are purchasing your web address – your URL.

Your Showit Subscription is your monthly/annually website hosting fee. It’s the payment you make to have your website show up live on the internet.

You cannot purchase your domain from Showit. I recommend purchasing from GoDaddy or Google Domains.

Here’s a snapshot of the Showit pricing and the plans available to you.

Monthly Showit Pricing and Plans

Annual Showit Pricing and Plans

As you can see, you have the option of paying monthly or annually for your subscription

You do get a discount when you pay annually which you can also see here. Something to note is that the currency is in USD.

(The prices listed here are as of May, 2023 – they are subject to change).

Let’s start with the Showit Plan


$24 USD/Month

$228 USD/Year

*You are saving $5 per month with the annual plan

Is this plan right for you?

This is the perfect plan for you if you DO NOT need a blog added to your site.

This plan is a great deal for a lot of businesses. If blogging is not a part of your marketing strategy you definitely do not need to be paying for it!

And if you do choose to start blogging in the future, you can always upgrade your plan!

This plan includes:

  • Showit website builder – this is where you would actually design your website. And let me tell you, it is the best website builder that I have personally used!
    Whether you hire a designer or decide to DIY you will have access to all of the incredible design capabilities of Showit!
  • Secure/SSL Certificate – this is to according to Kaspersky “An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates a website’s identity and enables an encrypted connection.”
    You will know a website is secure when it shows HTTPS at the beginning of the URL.
  • Web hosting with 20 GB of media storage
  • Regular design backups every 10 minutes, stored for 7 days

Then you have the SHOWIT & BASIC STARTER BLOG plan


$29 USD/Month

$288 USD/Year

*You are saving $5 per month with the annual plan

Is this plan right for you?

This is the perfect plan for you if you want to start a NEW blog. So you do not have an existing blog you are migrating over. And the pre-installed plugins are sufficient for your needs. 

See the image below for a list of the pre-installed plugins available with Showit.

This plan is perfect for a business owner who is just starting their blogging content marketing strategy. You don’t have a blog and are ready to start building one!

Hot Tip: If you did have a blog on a previous website but only have less than 5 posts, you can just manually move them over so you don’t have to pay for the Advanced option.

I mean, if you have the time or have hired a Designer who can do this for you, you can even get away with moving more over just to save on monthly payments!

And of course, as your blog grows you can always upgrade to the Advanced payment plan.

This plan includes:

Everything in Showit Plan plus…

  • 20 GB of blog storage
  • Up to 10K blog visits per month
  • Design your WordPress theme in Showit
    Meaning you can design what your blog will look like once it’s published on your Showit website even though you will be writing your posts and publishing them on WordPress.
  • WordPress Hosting powered by WP Engine
  • Daily blog backups, stored for 30 days
  • Support for Showit blog design and pre-installed plugins (Additional plugins are not permitted)
  • 1 WordPress user

Last but definitely not the least is the SHOWIT & ADVANCED BLOG plan


$39 USD/Month

$408 USD/Year

*You are saving $5 per month with the annual plan

Is this plan right for you?

This is the best plan for you if 

  • you have an existing blog that you want to migrate over to Showit from WordPress or Squarespace. 
  • You want to install custom plugins for WordPress
  • You have worked with an SEO expert
    Basically, you are taking your blogging seriously! You want to attract new clients through SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You want to use your website as a marketing tool!

This plan includes:

Everything in Showit & Basic Starter Blog plan, plus…

  • 20 GB of blog storage
  • Up to 25K blog visits per month
  • Extend the functionality of your blog with thousands of WordPress plugins (including e-commerce plugins)
  • Unlimited WordPress users
  • Free advanced blog migration* from WordPress or Squarespace (4-day turnaround, includes posts, images, comments, and WordPress plugins)
  • FTP & database access (Available upon request – Recommended only for advanced users with prior knowledge)

I hope this has been helpful in determining which Showit Pricing plan is best for your business. 

And you should know, Showit offers a FREE 14 day trial for all of the plans!! 

And a little bonus from me to you, when you work with me I provide you with a code to get your first month with Showit FREE!

If you are ready, you can sign up for your Showit subscription here.

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