5 Ways to Market Your Online Business

Have you been day dreaming about launching your online usiness?

Or maybe you’re just craving to make a change in your lifestyle. You don’t want to be working a 9-5 job that doesn’t make you feel like you’re making a difference. That doesn’t align with your lifestyle and doesn’t give you purpose?

I was in that same place, both of those places actually…

I was in an unfulfilling corporate job that honestly kind of took over my life. After work there wasn’t much time left to spend with the people I loved or to do the things that I wanted to on my time off. All because I was so busy working, that when I did get time off, I was exhausted!!

And then I discovered the world of Online Business

It took me maybe two years of having discovered the online business world to realize that “hey, I could do this too”

Deciding what business to start and what service to provide is one thing. But learning how to market your online business is a whole other thing!

I didn’t go to school for marketing, or business. But I have learned a lot over the years from successful online business owners through doing research, listening to podcasts, taking courses and investing in coaching.

Everyone is different and the ways I enjoy marketing may not be the way you would enjoy marketing. The beauty is, you get to choose how you want to market your online business. And decide which platforms you want to use.

Let’s look at 5 different ways you can market your online business

I’ll be sharing how to market your business on the following platforms. Along with the statistics all small business owners should know about each of them.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Blog
  • YouTube
  • Podcast

I’ll be sharing one more bonus platform on top of these which is Email Marketing! I’m keeping this separate than these 5 strategies because I believe all of those platforms should lead to growing your email list.


How to use Facebook to market your online business:

  • Organic text, photo or video content
  • Paid or “boosted” text, photo or video content
  • Facebook stories and reels
  • Facebook ads
  • Facebook Groups
  • Contests and giveaways
  • Facebook messenger chatbots or auto-responders
  • Influencer marketing campaigns


Facebook Statistics all small business owners should know

  • Facebook has 2.91 billion monthly active users
  • 36.8% of the world’s population use Facebook monthly
  • 79% of monthly users are active daily
  • Facebook is the favorite social platform for the 35-44 age demographic
  • People spend 33 minutes a day on Facebook
  • People are 53% more likely to buy from a business using live chat
  • The average organic reach of a Facebook Page post is 5.2%



How to use Instagram to market your online business:

  • Optimize your Instagram profile
  • Create your Instagram content strategy
  • Use Instagram hashtags
  • Publish Instagram stories
  • Turn Instagram Stories into highlights
  • Set up an Instagram shop
  • Run an Instagram contest
  • Use Instagram Automation
  • Use Instagram Reels
  • Work with Instagram Influencers
  • Use Instagram ads

Instagram Statistics all small business owners should know

  • Nearly 11% of US social media users shop on Instagram
  • 130 Million people tap on IG shopping posts every month
  • People are using IG earlier in the buying cycle, with 81% using the social media platform to research products and services
  • 80% of Instagram users follow at least one business profile, and 72% of users say they’ve purchased a product they’ve seen on the platform
  • Around 62% of people say they have become more interested in abrand or product after seeing it in an Instagram story



How to use blogging to market your online business:

  • Know your audience and write for them
  • Categorize and tag your blog posts
  • Create a content calendar to stay on schedule
  • Do keyword research to optimize for SEO
  • Write valuable and informative content
  • Break up your text with images and videos
  • Set up Google analytics and monitor your websites performance
  • Repurpose and refresh blogs to ensure they stay relevant


Blogging statistics all small business owners should know

  • 77% of internet users read blogs
  • It can take between 3-4 hours to write a blog post
  • 2164 works is the median length of blog posts in 2021
  • At least 54% of Fortune 500 companies have a blog
  • Almost half of all internet users take the opinions of bloggers and vloggers into account
  • Blogs are the 2nd most common form of media used in content marketing
  • Articles including H1, H2 or H3 headers have a higher performance for SEO
  • 70% of consumers prefer blog posts to ads
  • Blogging can help your website get up to 55% more visitors
  • Having a blog can increase your ranking potential by 434%

Blogging Wizard


How to use YouTube to market your online business:

  • Create your YouTube channel for your business
  • Learn about your audience and talk directly to them
  • Optimize your videos to get views
  • Upload and schedule your videos
  • Optimize your channel to attract followers
  • YouTube advertising
  • Influencer marketing on YouTube
  • Analyze data and adapt as needed


YouTube statistics all small business owners should know

  • YouTube has 1.7 billion unique monthly visitors
  • In the U.S. 62% of users access YouTube daily
  • Visitors spend an average of 19 minutes a day on YouTube
  • YouTube is the world’s second most visited website after Google (it also happens to be the third most popular search term on Google)
  • 92% of internet users watch some kind of video content online each week
  • YouTube ads have the potential to reach 2.56 billion users



How to use Podcasting to market your online business:

  • Position yourself as an expert to build trust in your brand (business)
  • Discuss current topics, create real relationships and build a community
  • Interview guests that help your customers and help you grow your brand
  • Use sponsorships to earn money through your podcast
  • Become a guest on another podcast to reach more listeners
  • Use commercial and episode-specific codes/discounts
  • Make sure to have clear calls to actions!

The Podcast Host

Podcast statistics all small business owners should know

  • In 2022 62% of the population 12+ has listened to a podcast and roughly 79% are familiar with the platform.
  • Over one-third (104 million) of Americans listen to podcasts regularly
  • 43% of listeners ages 35-54 are monthly podcast listeners (this is the most popular age group for podcast consumption)
  • On average, podcast listeners tune into eight different shows per week
  • 80% of listeners listen to all or most of every podcast episode they start
  • Podcast listeners subscribe to an average of six shows
  • Over 50% of podcasts are between 20 and 60 minutes. Less than 10% of episodes are shorter than ten minutes and around 17% are longer than 60 minutes.
  • 60% of podcast listeners have bought something from a podcast ad
  • 69% of respondents say podcast ads increase their awareness of products, brands and services
  • 81% say they pay attention to podcast ads more than they do to radio, TV commercials, billboards and even digital as on social media.
  • Ad revenue from podcasting is projected to exceed $2 billion by 2023
  • Forecasts project total podcast listeners will exceed 160 million by 2023


I’m going to talk about one more strategy but I don’t want this to be a stand alone. This is the crux of it all! This is what all of that content you are creating is going to lead to

And this strategy is….

Email Marketing!

How to use email to market your online business:

  • Build relationships: Build connections through personalized engagement.
  • Boost brand awareness: Keep your company and your services top-of-mind for the moment when your prospects are ready to engage.
  • Promote your content: Use email to share relevant blog content or useful assets with your prospects.
  • Generate leads: Entice subscribers to provide their personal information in exchange for an asset that they’d find valuable (a freebie)
  • Market your products: Promote your products and services.
  • Nurture leads: Delight your customers with content that can help them succeed in their goals.


Email Marketing statistics all small business owners should know

  • There are 4 billion daily email users
  • Subscriber segmentation is the most effective email marketing campaign strategy.
  • 33% of marketers send weekly emails and 26% send emails multiple times per month
  • 77% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months.
  • Email marketing revenue is estimated to reach almost 11 billion by the end of 2023. (Statista, 2021)
  • 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach customers. (Campaign Monitor, 2021)
  • The most effective strategies for email marketing campaigns are subscriber segmentation (78%), message personalization (72%), and email automation campaigns (71%). (HubSpot Blog Research, 2021)
  • The most effective email subject lines engage curiosity, include promotional offers, and are personalized to each recipient’s interests. (HubSpot Blog Research, 2021)
  • 59% of respondents say that marketing emails have influenced their purchases. (Salecycle, 2022)



Hootsuite Facebook Marketing

Hootsuite Facebook Stats

Shopify Instagram Marketing

Propelrr Blogging Tips

Blogging Wizard Blogging Stats

Hootsuite YouTube Marketing

Hootsuite YouTube Stats

The Podcast Host Podcast Marketing

Buzzsprout Podcast Stats

Hubspot Email Marketing

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