The Importance of Mindset in Business

When I first started my business I thought about all of the logistics. Registering my business, setting up a business plan, legal, creating a business strategy…

And don’t get me wrong, all of these things are very important and necessary. But what I didn’t focus on when I started my business was .. you got it.. my mindset!

And to be clear, I am referring to my very first business I started, before I started doing website design.

I had started a mobile blow dry business in 2020. And when I launched that business I was not at all focused on my mindset. I was focused on all of the things I needed to get set up in order to run a business!


The thing I should have known, the thing that had prevented me from accomplishing some of my goals even at my corporate job, was that you could have all the knowledge in the world but if you didn’t have energy or the right mindset in business- none of that mattered. I know that’s a bit dramatic, of course it matters.


But from my experience, the people who had more energy and were able to consistently show up were the ones that got noticed. They were more inclined to get promotions and had better relationships with their clients!

And in order to have that type of energy and show up that consistently – you have to have the right mindset!


Honestly, there are going to be times in your business that you just don’t want to show up and you just don’t want to do the thing. It’s one thing to show up and do your client work, it’s almost easier because you know someone else is relying on you. But when you have to show up for yourself and your business… we do tend to make up more excuses.

This became extremely clear to me by the time I launched my website design business (after leaving my corporate job and after deciding to quit my blow dry business).

And I knew that this business is the end game for me. I don’t know how it’s going to evolve in the long run, and never say never, but I did know I was going all in and that I was 110% committed!


Thus, I knew I had to get my mindset right for the long haul!




It’s easy to hunker down and work hard for a few weeks or even months. But if you want to stay consistent and have a successful business that lasts years and years – as long as you want it to last – you have to chip away at it over time

You can’t go all in for a short period of time, you have to show up regularly, even if that means you’re not going ham on your biz every single day!

It makes more sense to work hard and regularly and don’t burn yourself out!


Today’s post doesn’t have a step by step guide of how to do something, it’s to motivate you and tell you that I believe in you! I believe you can achieve all of your goals with the right mindset in business! But I also really want you to understand that you need to focus on your mental and physical health just as much as you focus on your business!

Having a healthy body and mind will get you farther in business than you knowing how to do every little thing in your industry – I promise you!




This was something I experienced in my corporate job. I was teaching and selling for one of the top beauty brands in the world and I was really good at my job. I was really good at doing hair and I was really good at teaching. The part where I lacked was.. my energy!

And guess what, the people who had more energy than me were seen as more eligible for promotions because

  1. they had the energy to make more connections with people in the company outside of work hours.

  2. They had the energy to take clients out and build strong relationships with them.

  3. They had the energy to do more during work hours than I did as well!


And I’m not at all taking away from those people, it was very inspiring to see what they were able to accomplish. But I knew that I couldn’t do as much because my body wasn’t healthy and my mind wasn’t healthy.


So after I quit that job and before I went all in on my website design business, I did a lot of work on my mental and physical health.

I started going to the gym regularly and going to pilates. I woke up and stretched my body every morning – I have chronic pain so my body needs a lot of care!

Now I want to share some of the things I did to achieve a positive mindset in business

First, I went to therapy!

I believe everyone should talk to a therapist! Honestly, it was so freeing to be able to talk to someone who was a professional and someone I knew was indifferent to my problems.

The hard part I found was finding the right therapist.

There are so many good Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Counselors out there. But you do have to find the right one for you who you really connect with and someone who understands your unique needs.

So don’t just give up after one session with someone if it doesn’t go well, maybe they’re just not the right person for you. Ask around, do your research and find the right person to talk to.


And the other thing I did was start working with an Intuitive Coach

I worked with Courtney Thomas from The Bodhi Effect and I honestly attribute a lot of my mental healing to the work we did together.

Courtney is a yoga instructor and a mindfulness coach. She was able to really connect with me and together we were able to identify where I was blocked and holding stress.

She gave me meditations and journaling exercises. And honestly this made a huge difference for me over time. I think we worked together for like 3 months and we had a zoom call every two weeks.

From the work I did with Courtney I was able to connect with myself on a deeper level. I continued journaling and my meditation practice and I feel like that made all the difference in the world! When I was finally able to slow down, listen to my body and mind to really understand what I needed and wanted – that’s when the magic started to happen. And that’s actually when I decided to leave my corporate job!

Now, I know not everyone can just up and leave their job, and I am not saying you should do that!

But for me, my job was extremely toxic and I do suffer from chronic pain which also translates into high stress and anxiety if it’s not managed.

So quitting that job was something that I needed to do for my health vs just something I thought I should do in order to focus on something else. I really had to leave that job sooner or later and taking the time to meditate and listen really helped me build trust in myself and the in the universe that I would be okay.


And I am so extremely happy that I took that leap of faith. It was honestly the best decision I could have made for every aspect of my life!


Living out of alignment is really difficult for anyone! And like I said, I am not encouraging anyone to just up and leave their job. And actually, I know not everyone even wants to leave their jobs, which is so wonderful!


But if there is something in your life that feels like it’s sooo far out of alignment. Something that makes you feel sick, stressed out, or gives you any kind of negative feeling – do what you can do remove that from your life


It’s very hard to have a positive mindset if you are spending your time doing something, around someone, whatever it is that is having a negative impact on you.


This is when it really turned around for me. I finally removed the things out of my life that were causing me physical pain and stress. Once I did that, continued meditating/journaling, and continued staying active – everything started to come together.

I finally had the right mindset, when things didn’t go my way in business, when the client I was sure was going to book, didn’t – I was okay with it.

Because I knew I was in this for the long haul and there will be easy times and there will be hard times in business.

I will have days when I know exactly what to do and everything feels right and I will have days where I feel like “what the hell am I doing?”.


Of course, the goal is to have way less days where you don’t feel good! But knowing that you will have those days once in a while, makes them much easier to get through. And knowing everyone has those types of days in business also makes it easier! You are not alone my friend, I promise you!


And if you are just starting out in business – make sure you take the time to focus on your health and your mindset. It will be almost the single most important thing that’s going to help your business last long term

Skills can be taught but a positive mindset in business is a continuous practice


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